Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Finally Back Playing

After pretty much taking June & July off from Poker mainly through Work Committments etc, I am finally back playing poker and have got a fair few hands in this month so far.

I'm kind of easing myself back into the habit of playing and working at the game this month with a view to having a serious go at things in September.

I have this week off so am planning to work at lots of different things if I can tear myself from the Olympics and the awesome performance of the GB Team so far, we're even winning Track & Field medals now which weren't in the script.

One of the main area's I want to look at is my lack of Non Showdown Winnings because its currently a progressive line the wrong way, although whether thats something that I can do anything about because of my playing style I'm not sure - 19/17 this month and its probably easier to flatten this line out if I was playing a looser style.

Willie tells me I have been in a video he's seen so will have to check that out and hopefully take a few things from it. Don't know which site its on yet though.

Going to also get back in the habit of blogging and got some serious catching up to do.