Sunday, 25 May 2008

Poker and Live Poker Debut

Since my last post, I took a break from the cash games for over a week. I have been back playing this week but is has been a bit stop start for one reason or another. Champions League Final, Golf, work etc. Any way I've made a few changes although not as many as I'd like at this stage but don't want to try and change everything at once as it won't all sink in. I'm going to add things in gradually. Here's what I'm doing at the moment: -

  • I had a very useful and eye opening PT review with Pete and there were a couple of things that he pointed out that were pretty easy fixes namely Table Selection and Folding to Steal Attempts from the Blinds. I wasn't playing back enough even with good hands. My fold to steal from the BB was about 92% for example. I've started playing back at people a bit more and it seems to be having a positive affect at the moment although I don't have enough of a sample size as yet to make a proper judgement.
  • I've dropped back down to 25Nl whilst I get my game in a better shape particularly post flop.
  • Table Selection is an ongoing process and I'm not there yet although I am getting better. My big problem is staying at tables too long if the dynamics change and a good table becomes bad.
  • Another area where I am starting to do some work is in the area of C-betting as I'm doing this too much from the wrong spots and causing myself problems.
  • I've started playing some HU cash as well on I Poker as FT doesn't have any HU tables below 50NL that I've found and thats too high a level for me. The reason for doing this is two fold in that I want to use it to help with my hand reading etc which is very weak and also as a change from 6 max,
I have been playing a few more MTT'S/STT's of late as well and I'm doing ok in them. No big MTT cashes but haven't been far away on a couple of them from going deep.

I'm a member of a UK Football Fans Poker Forum (link is on the right) and they are having a live game today up in a Casino in the Stoke Area - about 70 miles from here. I luckily managed to win a seat via a satellite although I would have paid the entry fee in any case. This will be the first time I will have played live and I'm looking forward to it not to mention the beer afterwards. Updates in next post.

Finally, Dodgy has posted a couple of posts lately about how he analyses his game etc which are well worth a read.

Monday, 12 May 2008

Don't Think Much To May

Some how so far this month, I've contrived to lose 10 buy ins through various means mainly my poor play and my inability to hit anything.

I've not tilted at all, but am not even thinking about playing a cash table for the next week or so.

Going to watch as many video's as is possible and review pretty much every hand I've played this month.

I'm also going to come up with a strategy for the future i.e. play/study timetable type of plan

Saturday, 3 May 2008

April Results - Sort of

Robert/Willie I replied to your comments on my last post in the comments section of that post.

Here's the graph for April booked a small profit and it shows the normal consistently inconsistent trend. Just shows I have a long way to go I guess.

I thought I played quite well in April although need to understand why I have so many downward trends because its more than just variance.

At this moment in time, I can't post the PT Stats because I'm getting whenever I try and open it up I am getting the message "Are you sure you want to completely remove Poker Tracker and all its components." I'll post them if I can get this issue fixed although not too sure at the moment how to do so. The data's there somewhere otherwise I wouldn't be able to upload the graph!

May Goals

Start using PT3 especially as they have now added IPoker in there latest release which means both my main sites are now covered. (At the moment I have an error importing FT observed hands so I want to get that sorted before using it properly.

Make a concerted effort on following the action and reading players probably dropping down a table or 2 for the short term. This is the no1 aim for the month

Do a better job at studying and self analysis as I've let this slip of late.

Continue the work I'm doing on Top Pair type hands and letting them go.

Start focussing on the Turn/River


Following on from my previous post, we lost and are in deep trouble with one game left and have by far the hardest match of any team who can still get relegated. Even worse Sky are showing the game live and we're useless (more than usual) whenever we're live.