One thing for sure is that it won't be my last live game because I had a great time although how much that was due to the people and the common theme we had I don't know. It was good to put names to faces.
There were 36 of us who played in a double chance freezeout 6000 chips total with half an hour levels. The tournament lasted over 12 hours. Not sure how with only 36 players but there you go. I ended up finishing 12th when down to 8/9 BB's, I lost in an AJ v 2's Race where I didn't improve. I did have one major piece of luck alot earlier when down to about 4/5 BB's when I rivered a 3 for my A3 to get the better of AK.
On to May, the results I've shown are those since I was back playing after around 20th of MAy almost exclusively ay 25nl other than 1 session where I automatically joined a 50NL table without thinking: -

I've not really had too much of an opportunity to play of late which is probably going to be the case for June as well so this is too small a sample size. One area I've been looking at is my play from the BB in particular my Fold to Steal %. Before I had a review session with Pete, this was running at over 90% over the few hands I've played of late, this is now down to 84% which is kind of where I want to be. I was also losing far too much from the blinds which should hopefully improve over time: -

Nothing really stands out that I can see positionally, probably too small a sample size to look at, we'll see at the end of June how things are.
I've also played a bit of HU which I'm going to continue to do but nothing really to report there as only played a few hands.
June Goals
I'm really not sure how much I'll be able to play in June due to a number of various factor's so not going to set any goals in regards to hands etc. I want to look more at a couple of area's I need to work on which are as follows: -
Continue with what I am doing on the BB
Revisit C-betting and get that worked into my game correctly
Look at Non Showdown pots because this is where I lose alot of money - connected to c-betting
Hand/Table analysis which is where the HU will come in.
Get back posting hands in here and on the forums
Get back into the habit of reading and commenting on other blogs which has suffered alot of late as well as my updating due to lack of time.