One important correction I have made, is that I noticed a serious flaw in my game and I know I'm not alone in this in that I have spells when I call hands down when I know I'm behind.
Over the past couple of weeks, I've tried toeliminate this from my game although there are occasions where I still find myself doing this. From analysing some key hands, I have found that I am doing this with Top Pair for the most part. Basically I am being a lot more cautious with this type of hand particularly if a c-bet is called or re raised and more often than not am currently folding these hands more often than not.
There's a quote that Dodgy made on my blog a few months ago which I'd lost site of to a certain extent where he stated that "A Raise on the Turn Usually Means That Top Pair is Beaten". Considering the progress he has made over the past 8/9 months this is important advice to bear in mind.
Here's a few hands from the past few weeks which illustrate what I was doing that I feel was incorrect/poor play whatever you want to call it: -
These hands kind of show what I'm trying to demonstrate although I probably do have better examples but my significant downswings usually occur because I play hands like these not only calling hands down but also if I am involved in the hands then playing them too passively.
That's one correction to my game I'm trying to make only another 999 to go!
I was just about to post something about top pair too.
I just played a quick couple hundred hands after work and not only were my two biggest losses with top pair but my two biggest wins were getting it in with top pair when behind and sucking out.
It's such a pain in the ass because against a lot of people I'm perfectly willing to stack off with top pair. In fact I did it twice last night with calling stations who hit sets. They'd do the same thing with middle pair so I don't feel I played it wrong. Against others though, a flop raise means TPTK is no good.
And the problem with 100BB stacks is if you raise it preflop, bet the flop, and get raised, you're looking at a commitment decision right there. It's pretty much fold or push unless you're really deep or the raise was really small.
Anyway, on your hands:
1) The only real draw is with 67 so the only real question is whether he's raising with a worse ace and that's common enough that I don't think I mind stacking off here.
2) I think you're much better off raising that flop then if he comes over the top you can probably safely fold.
3) Not raising this flop is a crime against humanity. You've got top pair plus a solid flush draw. You have either the best hand or the best draw and quite possibly both. Unless he has a set you're in really really good shape and want to get it in.
Agree with Rasputin's assessment of hands, except for hand 1. I would say he has 55 or 88 most of the time, but is very capable of showing up with A8 or A5. Point is, you can safely fold here. Your hand is defined and he is not going to go for a C/R here with less than AQ.
I agree with Btimm about the 1st but its like what Ras says in a 3bet pot its almost commitment with anymore bets.
The guys have givin good answers if you dont have it i suggest getting PT3 they have the hud up and working and you can put a million stats up all kinds of cbet stuff and 3 bets etc.
All the best
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