In addition to the tables below, there is one day's play not recorded as I had my settings wrong after converting my PT Database to Postgres. This day not recorded I was up about $70.

The bulk of the losses between hands 500 and 1784 when I made the mistake of playing when I was ill which is a mistake I won't be making again and the dip around the 11k mark was when I worked out what this leak was so a positive has come out of a negative.
This leak I discovered and it should have been obvious to me is that I am overplaying when I flop hands like TP or TPTK and losing significant pots when I shouldn't be in the hands. I'll make a separate and more detailed post about this in the next few days.

The stats look pretty reasonable to me other than the Agression Factor's look a bit low which I 'm a bit surprised about. Although it may be due to a lower than normal number of hands.
Considering where I was 6/7 months ago and was playing 11/9 to now be playing 18.75/16.29 without any trouble I am happy with what I'm doing Pre Flop. I have an ongoing battle with Post Flop play and have had for some time which I need to address as I'm losing that badly at the moment.

These don't look too bad other than there is too much of a gap in the blinds between my VPIP and PFR percentages which is unusual for me particularly the BB. I need to look at that it may just be variance but should be an easy fix.
April Targets
I don't have any specific goals or targets this month with regards to hands played or anything like that I just want to put some serious work in at my game particularly post flop because that's slipped a bit over the past few weeks. Work commitments are probably going to limit my time to a certain extent as well.
Another area I need to look at is to get back in the habit of posting hands in the various forums etc and start utilising the resources available to me more effectively.
I hope to make a video and also get some Sweat Sessions in but not sure my PC can cope at the moment.
Any way off to put the kiss of death on a couple of nags in this afternoon's Grand National, the only Horse Race I will bet on.
1 comment:
Your stats look fine to me bar the turn and river agg. I suggest trying to set up a few sweats with Baz he seems to have mastered this part of the game.
All the best for April
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