The bulk of the losses came over a couple of sessions last weekend at Sun Poker but on Full Tilt where I've been playing most of this month, I am in profit overall although 50NL has taken a bit of a hit lately there.

My VPIP is a bit tighter than I would have liked whilst adjusting to 50NL but I've opened up a bit at the new level lately and should see that over 18 this month although I am going to have to be careful at 50NL and if I take too much of a hit (3/4 buy ins) which I don't plan on happening then I will move back down again.
There are a couple of things that I think I need to look at which are: -
Am I too tight out of the blinds when someone is attempting to steal from me?
My won $ at Showdown stats are good, but I don't got to Showdown that often, is this a consequence of my playing style?
I've alluded to this in a previous post, but Agression Factor is an area I want to look at this month, I think my Flop Agression in comparison to the other streets is way to high. I want to get these closer together which I think is a consequence of c-betting and shutting down if I meet with resistance. Maybe I should be double barrelling a bit more or delaying the c-bet until the Turn on occasions. Obviously this will be situational.
Position Stats

The reducing VPIP from the Button downwards is ok although I think I need to increase by a couple of percent on the Button, C/Off and UTG+1. I also need to sort out what is happening on the Cut Off as that has been a bit of a disaster.
February Goals
- Start out the month playing exclusively 50NL but with a strict stop loss limit of 4 buy ins before moving down
- Continue the ongoing Studying I am doing there's so many resources available to me I need to utilise them more than I am doing.
- Participate in a t least 1 Sweat/group session a week
- Try and watch and learn from 3 video's a week
- Focus when playing i.e. don't get distracted by the Internet etc.
- Read Elements of Poker & The Poker MindSet
- Table selection and analysis of tables when playing
- Post Flop Play in particular improve my Turn Play because half the time I don't know what to do if c-bet doesn't go through
- Have a plan for each hand not just react to what is happening on the time
- Hand Reading
- Stop making stupid calls when I know I'm behind
- Take my Time
bummer on the end of month slide.
i'd say you should get into PT and look at as many hands as you could where there's cbets from the cutoff that were called and see how those hands are developing for you, but i played with PT and can't find a way to isolate that information.
your vpip does look tight, but it's almost married to the pfr, so when you're playing, it's for a raise. the position stats look textbook.
focus when playing is a a must. i find my mind wandering and it scares me. stuff like, "did i return that email", which doesn't go through my mind when i'm on my A game.
if you see me online for a sweat, flag me down, but our schedules may be off a bit.
the table selection/analysis sounds like an important thing that needs to eventually become habit for all of us.
good luck with the upcoming month and on your goals.
Good luck with FEB Chris and your goals!, I had a worse month with much less hands so its not all bad iam not great with what they mean but your blind play looks to be good if you look at your BB youve got about 9/10 of that back i see lots with half of it made back so i dont think id change anything. I watched your vid and seen you play lots so think your position game is good i think you just need a bit of gamble. I could be wrong but if i was you id try and find stuff about flop texture and what kind of flops/players are good to bet at, and double barrell at.
Ill be back playing soon enough and i am gona start regular sweats i will soon have alot of time on my hands.
Anyway best of luck.
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