As I've already blogged about, I lost focus in the middle of the month and as a result started playing badly and making some bad decisions. I've not played any Cash at all for the best part of a week now and will start afresh on ~Tuesday/Wednesday of next week. I want to Review alot of my hands from the start of this year before I do start playing again to see if I've got any serious leaks I haven't realised I have.

The second line on the above is when I played a bit of Heads Up. No idea why its showing as 6 Max. I want to play more Heads Up if I can but seeing as I'm the World's Worst HU Player i'm not sure if it will be a good idea. Need to check out some video's etc. before I do

I don't think anything looks significantly out of line but if any one can see something I've missed then please let me know and I will take it on board.
I'm not going to set any targets as such for March just want to start playing some solid ABC Poker and hopefully turn things around.
There are a couple of things I want to work on which are as follows: -
Table Selection
Hand Reading and Table Analysis and putting people on Ranges.
Review more of my play and
One more important thing I need to get back in the habit of doing in a big way is Posting on Forums and replying to more posts on the Group Site and also Blogs of the other people in the group and also watching the video's that have been made which I resolve to have watched and commented on as necessary by Wednesday of this week. I will also be looking to take part in more Sweat Sessions if I can
Good luck for this month
the only thing i can see here chris is the comletion of the sb
it looks a little too high i think
apart from that these look solid enough
how are the AA and KK playing it looks like you made a pretty good recovery and then a downswing . have you analysed that period at all ?
later chris
I dont understand how you dont win with the stats you have. One thing i noticed from you video is you tend to pick bad spots to continue on the turn and it could be just down to finding something on flop texture ill have a look at some of the videos i have see can i find anything if you like. Dont mean to be telling you what to do but thats my thoughts.
All the best for march
Cheers for the comments,
Graham I'm not too sure what you mean, my VPIP from SB was 21.54 with a PFR of 19.18 or are you looking at something else.
AA played fine. However, can't say the same about KK it was my biggest losing hand along with AKS and JJ. I'll post some of these in the forum via the Replayer.
Willie, I wish I knew. I think your probably right about the Turn Play, its the Street where I am never too sure what to do. By all means recommend some video's I don't mind at all or telling me what to do thats the only way I'm going to learn!!!
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