I've based it on the hands I've played since 01st August as my game has changed alot since then particularly as prior to this I was too tight. My VPIP is still a bit low but I'd rather see a gradual increase which I'm more likely to be able to sustain and feel comfortable with than immediately get it up to where I want it to be in one jump.
This is the article I have used to base my analysis on: -
1.Pre Flop Aggression

The idea here is that if you divide your Pre Flop Raise Figure by position into your VPIP for each position other than the SB then if you get a result of less than 0.5 then your not aggressive enough.
My lowest figure here is from the BB which is 0.69, for all other positions, my lowest figure is from the Button which is 0.94.
Overall, I am showing 0.92.
I think this is ok but would lead me to ask whether you can ever be too aggressive?
2. Positional Awareness
Using the same table as for Part 1, your VPIP from the Button to the UTG should steadily drop with the VPIP from the Button being double your UTG VPIP.
I also seem to be ok here and my Button VPIP which is 24.54 is more than double my UTG VPIP of 10.07.
3. Blind Stealing

Using the General Tab, the idea here is that your Attempt to Steal Blind Stats should be at least 20. Mine are at 30 which I am happy with and don't envisage making too many any adjustments here.
Selecting the Chance to Steal and Raised Filter, as the table below shows I am currently running at 0.23 on Blind Steals which when multiplying this number by 100 should be at least double the BB/100 average which it is although I'm not too sure whether I am interpreting this correctly.

4. Defending The Blinds
This should be at -0.375 or better and as the following table shows, I am currently running at 0.68 which again I am ok with.

If I change the filter to show Steal attempted against my blinds, I get a result of -0.41 which is slightly below the optimum of -0.375 which I find very strange because I very rarely defend unless I have a good hand, although on occasions I will reraise someone who is constantly stealing my BB which may be a reason for the negative figure. I'll stop doing that and see if it improves the result here.
5. Heads Up Play

This is probably a bit too neutral a situation than what I would have liked it to be. At least I'm not losing money overall here but would like to see a positive BB/100 here.
Changing the filter to show where I didn't raise pre flop shows a pretty damning set of stats and basically shows that I am losing alot of money heads up when I don't raise pre flop this is obviously a major leak I am going to have to fix.

6. Multiway Pots
This is a bit bleak and is also obviously a leak in my game which I am going to have to fix one issue I know I have is calling on the River when I know I'm behind but I also have recently stopped c-betting with more than 1 other player in the hand and hopefully this will see an improvement in my game: -

If I change the filter to no pre flop raise, then it gives a similar position so I need to be more careful multiway.
7. Pocket Pairs

Other than 2,s,3,s and 4,s the VPIP on all the other pocket pairs is around the 85% mark or higher which I am happy with and I am raising with Pocket Pairs 87% of the time which is kind of what I'd expect if not a bit higher. What on earth is going on with 9's I don't know. I'll post on the Card Runner's Forum with these to get a higher quantity of responses hopefully. Other than 9's 2,s, 3's and 4's are the only losing pair's I have and then these aren't really significant.
8. Suited Connector's

About the only comment I would make here is at least I have positive figure's albeit only just. I would question whether I am playing enough Suited Connectors as I will generally fold to a raise regardless of position. I need to look at AK (S) because this is one of my losing hands.
I have 3 hands where I have cold called pre flop which is as insignificant a number as it should be.
9. Unsuited Connectors
This is a bit of a worrying result, my VPIP and win rate for Unsuited Connectors are higher than for Suited Connectors which are not scenario's I should be seeing.
I am also playing more Unsuited Connector's than Suited so I will need to reverse this particular situation.
My VPIP for Suited Connector's is 20.41 and for Unsuited Connnector's is 21.44.
The Win Rate for Suited Connector's is 0.01 and 0.05 for Unsuited Connector's.
10/11 Post Flop Agression & Check Raising
These final 2 measures use the following table and deal with post flop play: -

Adding together my Bet/Raise %'s when acting first after the flop following a raise pre flop, I get a result of 42.17 which is just above the optimum of 40. I could probably do with getting this to nearer 50 but on the whole its not too bad.
My aggression factor is showing at 3.33 with figures of 2 and above considered to be acceptable.
I've check raised 0.82% of the time which is fine although it is a play I like I don't use it that often.
This is the first time I have analysed my game to this degree and it has shown some obvious leaks which I need to tighten up and eliminate from my play: -
- Eliminate Re raising from the Big Blind when someone is constantly stealing my blinds.
- Try and avoid Heads Up Situations where there is no pre flop raise.
- Address how I play Multi Way Pots as this is a big issue which I wasn't aware of. If I can fix this then I should substantially increase my win rate.
- Adjust how I play Connected Cards both suited and unsuited.