I played 18,743 hands in August with VPIP/Pre Flop Raise figures of 14.63/13.47. Which is a bit better than it has been. I would still like it to be a bit higher if possible but I would like to see a more gradual improvement up to about a VPIP of 18 as I'm more likely to be able to sustain that than if I get there quickly. As a comparison, my VPIP/Pre Flop Raise Stats in July were 11.92/10.69.
My stats by position were as follows: -
Button 23.72/22.35
Cut Off 15.81/15.30
Mid Pos 12.43/12.23
UTG 10.48/10.32
BB 5.90/4.01
SB 17.38/15.12
My initial thought is that I probably need to play a bit more from the Cut Off.
I'm having problems with My Paint Shop Programme today for some reason and couldn't get the PT Stats to show as I would have liked.
September Goals
I'm not going to set a No. Hands target this month instead I want to focus more on quality instead of quantity.
To avoid being Results Orientated and concentrate on making the correct decisions in every hand I play.
Improve My Post Flop Play i.e. Bet Sizing and also stop making speculative calls on the River when I know I'm behind.
To Be more active in the Forums and these blogs.
Use Card Runners More effectively.
Ensure that I have 1 day a week when I don't play or think about Poker.
Good Luck.
I think these are really solid goals. Setting a number of hands to play to is tough especially when you work i never do it cause i dunno when i wanna play.
I think listining to that voice that says your beat is a good thing to dont make a habit of feeling good folding tho you might start doing it when you shouldnt.
Best of luck with the goals and month
LOL at the August graph, it looks eerily familiar, unfortunately. I think you're right in analyzing your stats...you should focus on the cutoff, as there's a pretty big drop from the button to the cutoff. You will have a very tight image, and you can capitalize on it by stealing from the cutoff more, as people will likely fold to you, and unless you have a calling station behind you, your raises will buy the button. This is assuming that your VPIP stays really low from MP and UTG.
I like your September goals.
Hi Chris,
Congrats on opening your game up a bit. As you say, you can probably add several percentage points to your cutoff game, and probably a point or two to CO game, and this will give another point or two on your overall VPIP. I am sure that the results for Aug are a short term blip and that your game is headed in the right direction.
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