Sunday 16 December 2007

Poker Plan Until Christmas

Basically due to Work Committments and also a couple of other reasons mainly the fact that I need to do some serious game study, I have basically decided that I am going to take a break from Cash Games until after Christmas. I may play the odd MTT/Sit & Go

As I've mentioned in previous posts, I'm reasonably happy with my Pre Flop Game, I have serious issue's and leaks Post Flop which I need to do a lot of work on before taking the game seriously again in the new year. I have the bank roll to move up to 50NL but until I am happy with what I am doing Post Flop on all street's then I am not going to move up.

My plan for Studying at the lower limits is to watch and study as as many of the lower limit video's as I can probably starting with Brystmar's, Fruity Pro's and Verneer's video's. By studying, I fully intend to watch each video 2/3 times. I also plan on reading all the microstakes/Low Limit forum threads at contributing when I can.

One more thing I am going to try and have a go at is making a video tomorrow. Hopefully it will bring up some situations that are causing me the problems I am having post flop.

Finally, I am going to do a serious Poker Tracker analysis of my own game together with any player who I have over 100 hands recorded to try and get a more detailed idea as to how they play and try and spot any trends/patterns in there play.


RakebackFAQ said...

Cheers for the comment. Iam on for a big push in the new year loads of sessions we gotta start moving up. Look at Dogeyken and them, they started maybe a bit ahead of us in poker terms but now there making serious $ we should be able to do that to.

If you look at Verneers post about flow i think it might relate to you a bit. Be carefull you dont get to used to the low limits be sure and challange yourself.

About your post flop play I think you should watch CTS's vids in detail and really listin to him, Fabian too there just great at there thinking level.

Try playing a couple of hours of limit 1-2 limit if you have 50nl BR ull be fine there sitting wit 50$ at a table. See you have to play all streets in that game could give you confidence to not think about it anymore. Also you could move down to micro and mess around been a bully its lots of fun!

Lastly try out fullring, i think your play is perfect for that you could play say 8 tables and do what you do. One thing that its good for is playing multiway pots and ppl that see one card etc. Keep mixing things up so it dosent get ontop of you and keeps you intrested.

All the best

grinder said...

certainlly verneers blog is up there with the best for ll grinders . the fact that he still plays these levels is a bonus for us . You can chack out sir nebs blog too he started at 50nl last January so you can see his progress from then . If you need any questions answered i am sure we can all help

Marc said...

That's an ambitious study plan, Chris! I wonder whether 100 hands is enough to study someone, as for good players, you will have hardly any hands that will general though going through some proven winners' hands is probably a pretty good method.

I like the video study idea, which is an area I really need to get back to pursuing....

mongoose said...

nothing wrong with studying!

i hoping you can get a video together. i'm interested in watching it.

DODGYKEN said...

I think Willie is right on several counts in his comment. Definitely watch cts' and Fabian's videos and really focus on what they're doing post-flop and why. Those two have been a real revelation to my game. I would also recommend the Fruity Pro videos from April-October ish time. They helped me more than any other videos when I was starting out.

I think it's great to have some plans to follow. I do think that 100 hands on someone is too few to bother looking through. Something I did was to look through hands that went to showdown of the regulars that I had the most datamined hands on. From them I got an idea of the lines they took with certain hands, and it also helps if you want to practice putting people on ranges (just make sure you hide the holecards!).

Also, having a group of people to sweat, look at hands with, and bitch too really helps out. Posting in the forums is really useful in improving too. Not just posting your own hands - but writing responses too. Writing responses is one of the things that helped me improve the most as you really have to think about what you're saying and why.

Good luck!