Monday, 14 January 2008

A Couple of Useful Links

I've found these blog posts over the past couple of days both of which I think are useful and helpful.

This first post is from Sir Neb and is a post about putting people on hand ranges. This is an area where I know I'm weak so any pieces of advice on this topic are always welcome

The next post is from Verneer's blog earlier today and is in connection with classifying the level of coaching you require to improve: -

I am seriously thinking about getting some form of coaching next month using this month's Rake Back to pay for it. Hopefully I will get about $100 for the month which may get me 2 lessons but definitely 1.

I would class myself as a level B player at the moment, as the Turn and River are definitely where I lose most of my money.

I've been playing break even poker over the past week or so. Got myself a solid base to build on for the rest of the month. Hopefully avoiding the stupid few days I seem to have every month.

I'm a bit behind on commenting on other people's blog particularly group one's so need to catch up on those over the next couple of days.

Every Monday night for the next 3 months, I should be doing a Sports Quiz which is run on a League basis. Each team sets the quiz once during the period the quiz runs for. We set our's last week which was a bonus as we got it out the way. Unfortunately the team that should have set the quiz tonight didn't turn up for some reason.


grinder said...

Hi Chris

for sure both sir nebs blog and verneers are a must

i like the coaching post by verneer

i was thinking of getting johny or ryan to maybe sweat , i think johny has coaching experience

grinder said...

no probs chris

i think it will be next week though

i let you know what i get set up

RakebackFAQ said...

Good session tonight i think you booked a win right? I like nebs blog he was like us before he got pick for the pay it foward thing with Hookem and now hes near 1000nl i think always has some great stuff. Check this interview out it the guy in the vid iam talking about.

Ill share it when i get it.

All the nest