Sunday, 11 November 2007

Knowing When to Take A Break

It seems to be a week for blog posts about the Psychological aspects of the game or in the blogs I've read anyway and I'm going to continue that theme.

Last weekend, I was really struggling and starting to force things a bit, making some really bad decisions and basically playing like an idiot i.e. starting to do something I don't do very often and tilt.

As a result of this, I took a break for a few days and its done me a world of good and I'm a totally different player from the one that I was earlier in the week and I feel that over the past couple of days I've played some of the best poker I've played in a while.

This leads me onto the point I'm trying to make. In the past when I go through spells like this - too frequently for my liking, I've tried to play through them hoping things would turn round.

I now realise that this is a big mistake and not playing in these circumstances is a better option.

I also play most days of the week and I'm going to make sure from now on that on one day of the week at least I do not play at all to give my self an enforced break.

I've not really though too much about the psychological aspect of poker in the past but its something I'm going to really look into and consider from now on.

Hopefully I'll have some hands to put up in my next post as I'm not at work until Wednesday.


RakebackFAQ said...

I used to be like that trying to play through them but i have just started to take breaks for a few days now and then and it always does a good job. I never play on monday either i feel you get in enough hands over the weekend and monday seems to be the perfect day to give your brain a rest.

Also a habit i have gotton into is just cutting sessions short when nothing is working you know them ones when top 2 pr dont win? I think its saved me a couple of buyins over the months. Also you could always try a 2nd game when thats happening ive been playing more and more omaha when iam slow at holdem. Ill get that vid and software up soon and mail them to you.

And sorry i didnt show up fopr any sweat sessions this week ill deffo be on for some next week.

Marc said...

As Willie says, it's important to know when to take a break. Glad you are recognizing it and coming back strong.

PGK said...

This is a great post! And one that many of us low limit grinders need to read. A lot of us are going through tough times, and keeping a stable mindset can be tough because we set certain expectations for ourselves and when we don't meet them we get down, even if we are still winning! (this happened to me in my move to 100NL...I was still up for the month, but tilted after one losing session because I felt I should be winning much more than I was)

I am taking a break for a few days and studying my game, rewatching videos, etc. And when I play again I know it will be with a fresh mindset and ready to go.
