I am going to split the Poker Tracker Stats into 2 different sets - an overall post and also stats since we had our 1st group session with Verneer as since this session I have finally started playing at 18/16 and for the most part have not had any real problem in keeping at these levels. Why it took so long I don't know but at least there is a positive to come from this month: -
Graph For Month

Not really too much too say here. The month had a bad start which I recovered from and then had an absolute nightmare before recovering a bit at the end. The main cause of the down swings is my Post Flop Play, it is a major leak in my game at the moment and is going to need a lot of work over the next few weeks to get it do the Standard Required to play solid ABC Winning Poker.
Poker Tracker Stats For The Month

As this shows for the month I have been playing 15.86/14.44 which is still a bit low overall although as I will show shortly, I have been playing at 18/16 lately which is where I think I can sustain it before moving up to aroung 20/18 which is ultimately where I want to be at the lower limits.
The thing that jumps out at me here is the Flop Aggression Factor it looks way out of line and will probably explain why I'm having problems post flop although I'm not too sure what the optimum level is.
Position Stats For November

For the month these show that I am positionally aware in that I am playing less hands as I move further away from the button. The Cut Off is definitely too low and maybe Middle Position is slightly lower than it should be.
Poker Tracker Stats Since Session With Verneer

Since that 1st session which I got so much out of, I have been playing at 18.03/16.59 which I want to sustain and consolidate for a couple of months whilst working on other area's of my game. Again, I need to increase my VPIP from the Cut Off and MP at the same time I may need to reduce the hands I'm playing from the SB.
Action Plan For December
I've specifically not set any goals for December because I want to focus in the main on working on my game especially Post Flop as too me this is where I am losing most of my money. The area's I want to work on include: -
- Considering Table Image so that this becomes Second Nature
- Post Flop Play in general needs a total overhaul in particular the following: -
- Stop getting attached to strong pre flop hands post flop
- Reign in my c-betting a bit. I think I am probably c-betting too much
- Sort out my play on the turn as more often than not I am not too sure what to do here.
- Take my time when face with a big decision. I act very quickly and need to slow down
This may sound a bit stupid, but I am going to treat November as a necessary Step backwards to move forward over the long term.
Bit of a fustrating month for you i cant understand how you dont win whith the stats that you have. Personally i think your not betting enough PF the players at low stakes wont notice you betting more here and there.
About post flop play you could try get in a few sessions of limit you have to play flops and turns in that game. For the vids you should watch CTS's vids he is so good at playing all streets many levels about our thinking. I also think GP is good at that too.
And you could always try a new site from what i remember Pacfic Poker is really loose could be ideal for your style.
Best of luck with December
great stats, tough luck. could just be variance, could be your high AF on the flop. i think your analysis is great and you might benefit from watching some videos that really get into post-flop play, and being aware of table image. that being said, your won money at showdown is pretty high so I can't imagine why you are losing money? c-betting too much? losing bigger pots than winning?
Unlucky Chris, on to December! You could do a video in Dec, would maybe help to get some feedback.
Also post lots of hands. :) If you post 2-3 in your blog (and crosspost on CR) after each session you'll get a lot of feedback on some of your postflop plays.
Nice tight VPIP and PFR, they may be a little low but you'll have no problem expanding them later when you're more comfortable with your postflop game.
Yeah, that's a rough month...hopefully a lot of it is variance. I looked at the overall and position stats for the 2nd part of the month, and I think you may just be running into good hands. You're almost always raising when you enter the pot preflop (good!), stealing a good amount of the time, and are playing aggressively on the flop (and fwiw, I don't think that number is atronomic for the number of hands you have....this is for the 2nd half of the month only). In spite of all that, you are not winning that often when seeing the flop, so people are just not folding to you. You go to showdown yourself quite often, so you are not being too weak/tight, and you even win a great deal at showdown. So, looking at all that, I would say you may be having some issues playing large pots...you are winning enough at showdown, but that must be with small and medium pots. Something to think about anyway. Here's to a better December!
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