Monday, 21 January 2008

Moving Up Permanently

Since the start of this year, I have been gradually adding in 50NL tables to my play at the same time cutting down on the number of tables I play from 4 to 3 so that I can follow the games better until I feel comfortable at this level.

After a poor start to the month which seems to have happened to alot of people, and I considered moving back to 25NL and scrapping the 50NL tables, I've managed to turn things round in the last 10 days or so.

Over the weekend, I've decided to concentrate on the 50NL tables for the time being and not play any 25NL tables. I am working to a strict 5buy in loss level before moving back down to 25nl which I hope I don't have to use because I don't plan on having to. I'm also going to give myself a 2 buy in stop loss limit for any session as this is when tilt sets in with me.

Things I Need to Work On

There are a few area's of the game I need to work on which are as follows: -

  • Interpretation of Agression Factor Stats and using these to my advantage - Ryan Daut touched on this in his video last week where he said people will c-bet and then shut down if called which leads to high Flop Agression and lower Turn/River AF's. This is definitely true with me and was something I 've been thinking about so want to look into further.
  • Putting people on hand ranges and following the games better.
  • Table Selection
Poker Books

After seeing some decent reviews of the book by various people, I am planning on getting Elements of Poker. Other books I want to read are Psychology of Poker andThe Poker MindSet. Also, Dan Harrington's cash game books are due to be published next month which are two books Ialso want to get as his MTT book's are supposed to be some of the best around.

Marc (Disconnected) has made a couple of posts lately that because of the increase in resources available to us, we need to dedicate enough time to each element at the same time not forgetting to play. This is so true and one thing I need to address is that I'm not commenting on blogs too much lately which I am going to change particularly Group Blogs even if what I write is rubbish most of the time.


mongoose said...

i didn't know harrington was working on cash game books. thanks from bringing me into the loop!

good luck on the move.

Gregory Lynn said...

Not only is Harrington releasing cash game books but you can find the table of contents here:

grinder said...

Yep harringtons cash game books will cause a stir , apparently chris ferguson was none too pleased

table selection is now very important to me , to such an exten that if it does nor meet my criteria , i ll just close it down , even if i have spent 10 - 15 mins trying to get on one ,

although agg factor is important , the hud stat figure that must be your priority is alway Vpip and pfr

and good luck too , you ll hopefully find it easier at 50nl

Bazclef said...

Congrats turning things around at 50nl Chris!

The Harrington books do indeed look great, there's an unbelievable amount of study material out there for NL cash games now.

Marc said...

Nice one on the 50NL move. I didn't see Ryan's video, but I don't think it's a bad thing to shut down after a c-bet at 50NL...most of the time if they're calling, your fold equity is low, so no reason to continue with air...less and less true as you move up...more and more true the better you table select, IMO.

I can't wait for Harrington's cash game books. I think the first volume of his *tournament* books might be the best cash game book I have read, including a couple other 2+2 books on NL cash.

RakebackFAQ said...

Well done on getting to 50 iam sure that all will go well for you there. I have the poker mindset book and its pretty good i feel that ill have to reread it 3-4 times to get it to sink in. The contents of HR book looks pretty good i have to get all my other read 1st tho.

Ill be on for 2 session this week if you want ill be on tomorrow and Thursday.

Best of luck

Gregory Lynn said...

"The Harrington books do indeed look great, there's an unbelievable amount of study material out there for NL cash games now."

Considering how little there was out there just a year or so ago, it's pretty impressive.

The Harrington books look just phenomenal.

Gregory Lynn said...

Also, on the poker books, I don't know that Psychology of Poker is the best value. I would recommend another Schoonmaker book, Your Worst Poker Enemy instead. I'm only halfway through it but I think there is more of value in it.

Psychology of Poker pretty much taught me one thing, and that's to be very aware of why I want to play poker and what the potential traps are for playing poker for the reasons I play poker.

He makes the point that most people say that they play to make money but for most people that's complete horseshit and for others it's just mostly horseshit.

Playing for the competition is different than playing to win. Playing for the competition is to prove you're better than the other guy which means you'll get Fancy Play Syndrome more than someone who is playing more for entertainment or as a social outlet.