I've cut down on the number of tables I play from 4 to 3 but have added a 50NL Table to what I'm playing alongside 2 25NL tables.
The 25NL has been going well but I'm down about 3.5 buy ins at the higher level. To be honest I'm not overly happy about that because I am 99% certain I can beat the 50NL game but have made a few bad plays which have cost me. I'm going to take a bit of a break for a week or so at 50NL but will come back to it shortly.
Here's my graph for 2008 so far and a PT table. I'm a bit tighter than I have been of late which is mainly due to tightening up a bit after the indifferent start and being a bit more cautious at the higher level but that will change once I have made the necessary adjustments.

Here's a couple of hands I played this evening at 50NL which to be honest were badly paid by me: -
The other player in this hand was playing 55.79/30.53 and I thought initially he was reraising with nothing much. However, I should have got the message after the raise to $18.75 and folded at this point.
On this hand I got a bit suspicious and becane very oassive post flop. The problems with this hand were caused by raising when UTG. I shouldn't have even got involved in the hand.
We've added some additional people to the group to give us more options due to Time Differences etc and hopefully we will push eachother and make us all become better playerd.
Hand 1: Against this type of player I don't mind getting it all in preflop. However, if you have not 3-bet him yet, and he hasn't shown the propensity to 4-bet light, you can also fold.
Hand 2: Is tricky, I hate folding on the flop or turn, but that maybe the right play. I'm not really sure tbh.
Hope your next few sessions are much better!
Sorry to hear about your struggles. One thing I can say for certain is that you are playing way to tight. YOu got a lot tighter from playing $25nl. In most cases 50nl and 25nl play pretty much the same. There is no need to alter your play that drastically. AS far as the hands go, I don't mind either of them. Hand 1 I am felting in this spot againts a 56/30 all day every day. His range is huge wide and you just got unlucky and hit the upper portion of it. Remember, in holdem we are playing against an opponents perceived range adn not jsut his actually holding. Even if we assign him a tight range of QQ+ AK+ we still are about 38%. And trust me a player like this will show up with wider range. Hand 2, same thing. I mean he could have a set, or he could even have AT for Top2. I like the way you played it.
I'll trade you graphs ;). Regarding your stats, I think they overall look really solid. I agree with you and Pete that you're probably playing too tight.
However, I don't think that you are way too tight...I think the lower you go, the more correct it can become to play tightly. In my 50NL database, there are a number of big winners playing like 16/14. I don't think that's optimal, but certainly you can win. The problem with the style is that the higher you go, the more it will get exploited, but you need to go pretty high before you can't compensate with table selection. Not that you should stay that tight, but postflop is so much more key. I like how you're being aggressive when you do enter pots, too.
Hand 1: I think its ok to let this hand go. Its ok sometimes to get in with this but i feel hes really strong here and all his agg play is paying off.
Hand 2: Iam getting in on the turn here if he has me fair play alot of the time is a FD trying to get a cheap river. ouch ul i think you done well not to lose a bi there.
Best of luck
hi chris
stats look good
hand 1 like villie said if the guys been tight and not out of order then you could have let it go ...however he could have been up against aces !! you have outs too ...so its not the worst play
ive seen a lot of people get it in with ak but it is player dependant
hand 2 this is a tough hand , i mean its hard to put people on 22 and flopping the set
anyway good luck
we have some good stuff going on here
Tough run there.
Hand 1 looks absolutely fine. It sucks that he has KK here, but to fold AK to a 56/30 there is ridiculous. These guys often get it in PF with any two cards. Shoving is perfect, anything else is not.
Raising PF in hand 2 is absolutely fine. However, you should fold to the raise on the flop, unless villain is very aggressive. I know it's only a minraise, but a passive player is minraising mostly with hands that have you crushed here. After that, you have to call down, since he can easily have worse two pair, but folding the flop would've saved you a bit.
Nit alert ! Nit alert ! lol :) anyhow, you need to loosen up a bit and accept variance like the one in hand1 as part of your game, even at 50NL. like Pistol said, against that kind of villain I'm felting that 100% of the time, he can show up with a LOT more than KK/AA/AK/QQ etc...
Hand2 I liked the way you played although somehow guessed he'll show up with a better hand than other two pair (e.g.22, TT) by looking at his bet sizing on turn/river and the fearless minraise on flop.. But anyhow I love these players since I can't ever fold there and if he has 22/TT/Kq then so be it.. if this would've been 200NL, you'd have your stack in by the turn, hapily this is 50NL and people rarely know how to extract value with a good made hand like that !
GL :)
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