On the whole its not been a reasonable month as the graph shows. I could have used a bit of consistency from hand 2,000 to 12,000 but on the whole its not too bad. Another month like this combined with bonuses/Rakeback and I should be able to move back up to 50NL: -

With regards to my actual play, my VPIP is still too low at 14.89 butfor the last week or so I have been playing at about 17 so hopefully I'm close to getting this figure somewhere near where it should be. The one thing that stands out to me from my position stats is that my VPIP from the cut off needs to be 5% higher at least: -

I will do a similar PT analysis as I did last month at the weekend when I have more time. Hopefully I've fixed some of the leaks that I discovered although some of them are ongoing area's to work on.
November Goals
- Play a minimum of 15K hands at a VPIP of 16 with a BB/100 of 4.00.
- For every 2 hours I play, study the game/analyse my sessions for 1 hour. This was recommended in a recent video. I think it was Fruity Pro's last video but I'm not 100% sure.
- Work on my Post Flop game because at times I feel that I don't maximise my potential winnings and also where I am liable to lose alot of money at times.
- Watch all the CR Cash Video's and do a detailed review of the low stakes video's in the SSNL Grinder's Group Page.
- Actively participate in the Group Sessions.
- Be more active in the CR Forum particularly the Small Stakes NL Forum bot h with the posting of hands and responding to other threads.
- Update my blog on a more regular basis.
That was a solid month for you Chris a bit up and down in places but at the end it just goes to show your playing winning poker. I dunno how you get in so many hands with work too. I couldnt get 8k this month.
Your goals for november seem good. I dunno about that much study but if your watching everycash game vid it'll be every second day so you might get 2 hrs study in at that. All in all i think there achivible.
About the mics i think its a bit of both i cant hear you sometimes too i use a headset and maybe its to far away at times plus i have an accent and need to talk slower when iam talking with you guys. But ill have a look and try and sort out a good one.
All the best with november.
This looks like a pretty good month. Your winrate is definitely decent so don't stray much from what you've been doing. If you're trying to open up from the CO or BTN then I'd recommend doing it gradually. I know from experience that trying to open up too much at once can hurt you.
Good luck for November and keep up the hard work - it looks like it's paying off.
Nice month for you, if a bit rocky....but it's always nice to finish on an upswing :). As you said, your VPIP is a tad low, but I believe there's no need to worry too much about opening up at NL 25, as long as you're able to open up at higher levels. Your aggression by street seems a bit out of whack, with very high flop and pretty low river aggression factors. To be honest, I'm not sure what that means exactly, but you may be pushing too hard on the flop, letting people get away from hands you could extract by slowing down a bit. So, by the time you get to the river, you're up against hands that are strong enough to play back at you. But, you're winning a lot of showdowns even with a relatively passive river aggression, so what do I know?
If you're looking to open up somewhere, I would say you've got one major place, and one possible. They are the CO (where you have a big drop from the button) and the BB. I fold to BB quite a bit, but you are folding to pressure almost all the time, and I believe there have got to be some spots where you can 3-bet an aggressive stealer or look to call some smallish raises with suited connectors and multiple people in the pot, that sort of thing. One thing about playing at 25NL is that you will have both people who raise too little preflop and people who cold call too much. They will also pay off if you hit, so your implied odds are pretty darn high. Now, don't go nuts with playing from the BB, but don't be afraid to call a preflop raise with a speculative hand out of the BB once another player or two have already come in.
I like your goals for November (pretty big overlap with what mine will be). The 4 BB/100 target is a nice to have, but really it's somewhat out of your control. If you're playing well, the winrate will take care of itself over time.
Nice job in October, keep it up in November!
Keep improving and you'll see some big dividends in no time. Best of luck!
Thanks for the comments guys.
Marc I would agree with you about Agression Factor, I'm not sure what it means either. I think I'll post this on the forum and see what the optimum is?
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