I'm afraid this doesn't make good reading and to say I'm not very happy is a bit of an understatement.
This month has followed a similar trend to last month and has been happening pretty much all year in that I'll be doing ok nothing spectacular and then towards the end of the month I'll have a bad spell which I don't think I'll be able to recover from.
I'm not sure how to reverse this trend but what I do know is that I have to do something pretty major because if this trend carries on next month it might see the end of my Poker Playing days which will be a drastic step to take because I still really enjoy playing the game but this has been happening all year and I'm fed up with it. I know I'm a better player than I was 6 months ago but this isn't being seen in what I'm achieving.
I have a couple of bonuses to earn which run out this week and if I see no signs of any improvement then I'll probably take a break for a few days.
I promise my next post will be more positive as my last two posts definately haven't been.
Good luck
Wow, you have had a tough week Chris!
Do you think that you are running bad, or do you think that opening up your game had caused you to play too loosely in spots that used to avoid?
As you say, a few days away from the tables might not be a bad idea. Are you still watching plenty of videos?
Does look rough but its not a huge amount. I think if you enjoy playing just play when you really want to dont play to get X amount of hands in you dont have to your not making a living from this. Breaks are good i fell i want to play now that ive had 1 so if your feeling burnet out dont play.
I dunno if you tilt i imagine that you dont to much but you should put a stop loss in your rules for next month-3/4 BI per day i think would be good for you and could save you $.
I think that you still play pretty tight and i bet your winning its just the 1s you lose are big 1s maybey take a look through your stats and see how your AK AQ and JJ+ hands are you could be finding it hard to let these go when faceing serious aggrasion. If these hands win more that 50% of the time there winning for you but your losing big pots when you do lose with them. Just something you can look at.
Best of luck for next month iam sure you wont be quitting.
Why post your top ten losersing hands so we can look at them .
I have noticed on occasions that you are prepared to call down a hand when there are possiblilties you will lose .
Somome once talked about painful folding as being a very important atribute . I hate folding but it is a very profitable move in the grand scheme of things
Give us a little more information and im sure we can help
I can relate, my graph looks similar, unfortunately. I've had my share of coolers and beats, but I've also been able to pick out some hands that were pretty gross....I'm not overtly tilting at the table, but I am also getting knocked off my A game and taking at worst high variance and at worst spewing lines.
Impossible to say whether you're doing the same, but from reading and talking, I don't think it's all that uncommon, and the two things work together to undercut you.
Hopefully, you're playing well bankrolled, so you wouldn't be quitting due to going busto, but rather just from being frustrated. If that's the case, then it may be fine to quit for a few days. Think about a total break, too, for a few days...no playing, no reviewing, no videos, etc. You'll come back refreshed.
Good luck.
Hey guys thanks for the comments, and your all right in parts. My last couple of posts have been written when a bit angry the next one will be better.
Rob I'm not sure about running bad because I'm opening up a bit more. When I run bad I tighten up but am consciously trying to play more in position especially in an unraised pot. I've been c-betting far too much and I'm also calling or even worse raising too many pots on the River when I know I'm behind which I have to stop.
Willie your pretty much spot on with most of what you've said particularly about winning small pots and losing big ones. Got to sort my River Play out.
Graham I will post my top losing hands over the past couple of months hopefully I'll see something or someone else will I've missed which I'll be able to fix pretty easily.
Marc I'm pretty much the same as you've said. I'm definately going to take a break for a week or so after this weekend. I've got a few things going on early September so a week/10 days break won't do me any harm.
Thanks for the comments
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