Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Play From 31st July

Played 375 hands last night not alot happenned had one of those sessions where I was pretty much card dead and couldn't seem to hit a flop. These seem to be the sessions where I lose a fair amount of money. How can you make these sessions work without losing too much. I ended up being down $37.50.

Most of the losses were due to having to fold after C-Bet's were reraised having raised pre flop. I must pick my spots better.

There was only one hand of note which I have posted below. Not sure if there was much I could have done to avoid this. I only have 21 hands with this player and he was 42.86/28.57 and he left immediately after this hand. I thought he may be drawing to the straight which he probably was: -


robracing said...

Nothing you can do here.

You got your money in with the best hand, and got drawn out on, although the villain did have 13 outs to beat you, so not too unlikely.

You might have raised a bit more PF, but you were quite happy to have him along as a customer, so I can see why you didn't.

RakebackFAQ said...

I agree with Rob i dont hate your play or his i think that kind of guy would of called allin on the flop. So just 1 of them hands. UL