Sunday, 15 July 2007

Week 2 Report Card

Like most of my school reports, Could Do Better is the comment I would make:-

Hands Played: 3007
VPIP: 11.87
Pre Flop Raise: 11.11
Profit/(Loss) (10.49)
BB/100 Hands (3.78)

July Stats: -

Hands Played: 5265
VPIP: 11.68
Pre Flop Raise: 10.83
Profit/(Loss): 18.40
BB/100 Hands (0.25)

Area's To Be Worked On

Increase VPIP - Ongoing from last week
Post Flop Agression - Ongoing from last week
Take my time before acting


Gregory Lynn said...

How on earth is it possible to play so few hands? What hands do you play?

Graham said...

How can anyone play this tight and not die of boredom?

PGK said...

You need to play a LOOOOOOOOOOOOT more hands man! :)


RakebackFAQ said...

I think you should open 2-3 full ring tables , i think your style there would be profitable , i think your to tight for 6max , your basically only playing your blinds (6 into 100 = 16.6%) and your playing 11% blinds are always negitive and i think your going to find it hard to make $ doin what your doing.