Thursday, 16 August 2007

Playing Against Short Stacks Why You Don't Slow Play

This week is a bit up and down - one days good the following not so good.Yesterday was a good day but I've played about 200 hands this morning and pretty much wiped out what I made yesterday. More of that later.

One thing that's cropped up with my play over the last couple of days and Graham has also made a post about is playing against short stacks. I think I possibly need to adjust my attitude against them as I am basically giving them no respect for having hit there hands and that is wrong. Any way here's a couple of examples: -

This guy was at 63.27/32.65 but only over 50 hands. With that board, top pair was probably never going to be enough. and I should have folded to the reraise, although with an Open Ended Straight Draw as well I'm not sure.

On this hand, I should have raised more pre flop, after that, Top Pair again isn't enough and possibly was a fold on the flop to the reraise against someone playing 39.48/10.22 again over a small sample of 50 hands.

My conclusion is that you need more than Top Pair to play against Short Stacks which is probably an adjustment I am going to make from now on.

Finally, this next hand is an example of why you should never slow play a hand. I broke one of my fundamental rules of poker by doing so. I don't want any comments about this hand I'm just posting for myself as a reminder.

Any way I'm off to hit the living daylights out of a golf ball for a few hours.


DODGYKEN said...

Hand 1: I call. You have to call $10 into a $19 pot, so you need around 35% equity. You almost certainly have that against his range I would think - you see them shoving with bottom pair and the like so often.

Hand 2: Again, I probably stack off here. Maybe I suck at playing short stacks too. They show a flush draw, straight draw, worse top pair, or lower pair so often though. I think he makes the same move with QT on a Q73 board.

Hand 3: Yeah, with a few straight draws and a flush draw out it isn't worth slow play as someone may well have a hand that they're willing to get involved with.

robracing said...

Hand 1 : Perfectly reasonable call, I would say. 8 str8 outs, plus some pair outs. Villain playing 63/33(!) makes this move with a lot less than a made str8. (There is a reason that he is short-stacked, you know!)

Hand 2 : I know it is only 4-handed, but I would just call the KQo in the SB, rather than 3bet. (KQ used to be a hand that I grossly over-valued, it looks so pretty!) Having said that, my money would have gone in on the flop anyway!

RakebackFAQ said...

Hand 1)
I think its a great flop for you hand and its an easy call , this is a very good hand especially on the flop its the on the turn is where you should be warey about calling big bets with these draws.

Hand 2)
Iam with the guys here i would call this most of the time to the short stacks. I dont mind a 3 bet but you gotta bet more if your going to do that, hes a real short stack who your raising so just put him allin to isolate say you bet 2 its an easy call no matther what the flop so just bet 3 and it makes it tougher for the other guy to call if he calls well done to him.

Hand 3)
nice reminder ive done that to many times.

Good luck man