Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Results For July

As promised, these are my July results. I was reasonably happy up until this weekend but things have gone slightly wrong since then as I have documented elsewhere: -

Hands Played 12,717
VPIP 11.92
PFR 10.69
Loss Fo Month $148.01
BB/100 Hands (2.88)
Total Aggression 2.27

VPIP By Position

Button 18.63
Cut Off 12.97
Mid Pos 11.28
UTG 8.80
BB 5.51
SB 12.77

Still way too low, should the small blind be as high as the Cut Off?

Return Per Level Played

NL50 $190.32 Loss 2,889 Hands
NL25 $128.99 Profit 5,876 Hands
NL10 86.88 Loss 3,952 Hands

I'll be sticking to NL 25 for a while - probably for most of August most definately.

I hope other people have better results than I've had.



mongoose said...

hey mate, i'm just checking a few of the blogs before i do some results posting myself.

thanks so much for posting even if the results weren't in the positive for this month. it helps everyone to realize there are going to be struggles in coming to grips with this game, and that other people go through them as well.

that overall VPIP looks awefully tight to me for 12k hands.

RakebackFAQ said...

Tight poker from you. Even tho you say you dont get to play much you still get in more hands than me. Its not to bad a month for 50nl 1 bad session can make you feel rough. I think ive lost 3 times what you have last month but made a plan and iam going to stick to it this 1. Iam gona do the blog properly.

I dunno what number it should be the sb but it seems really tight. 20-30 i think is ok for there. I think if you try to steal everytime the cut off limps plus when you are heads up with the BB would bring this up alot. Theres the poker tracker guide in the tools part of my blog if you wanna check it out. And a sweating session would be good iam in Ireland so no time diff i think we should work something out in the coming weeks.
Gl with the month m8!

grinder said...

I think you could step up to 50nl

Check out Dodgykens figures an noledges on there blogs

These guys are playing 100nl and there figures for V$PIP are around the 17% mark

DODGYKEN said...

I'd definitely try to loosen up from the CO and the button. Try raising up suited connectors down to 76s or 65s and some one-gappers down to about 86s and see how you go. If you gradually increase your range you'll start to feel more comfortable with it.

Brystmar's 5-part series is good to watch to get an idea about this.

robracing said...

Hi Chris,

You really must try to open up your range a bit, otherwise you are never going to get paid off with any frequency, when you actually have a premium hand.

As already suggested, you need to be firing a lot more from the CO and button. I read somewhere recently that you need to be in an even more aggressive frame of mind in the CO than you do on the button, because from the CO, you aggression might actually buy you the prize of the button, which is +EV every time.

Good luck for August!

losbert said...

Thanks for the comments guys.

Mongoose I know I'm playing too tight , I am trying to loosen up but progress is slow.

Pkr_Brat cheers I'll have a look at the Poker Tracker Guide you mentioned. Definately need to sort a sweat session out.

Grinder I'd love to step up to 50Nl I need the bankroll to do so first though

Dodgyken/Robracing thanks I'll have a go at what you both suggested.