Monday, 16 July 2007

Comments About Lack of Hands Played

Thanks for the comments about needing to play more hands. I agree with you all 100%. Instead of playing for the next couple of days I am going to do the following 2 things: -

  • Watch as many Cash Game Video's (Brymstar's Series and Fruity Pro Videos in particular) as I can paying particular attention to Pre Flop Play. That doesn't mean just watching them once it means watching them 2/3 times until it becomes second nature.
  • Do an in depth analysis of my Pre Flop Poker Tracker Stats to establish where there is scope for increasing my Starting Hand Requirements, which will be the content of my next post.


Gregory Lynn said...

I hope my comment on the previous post wasn't too sarcastic. I find myself struggling to not play too many hands.

I think the first place to look is at your positional stats. In looking at mine, I play 11% from UTG going up to 13%, 15.5%, 24.91% 29.78% and 15.89% as you go around to the BB. I don't know if these are necessarily the best numbers but they should definitely be going up the closer you get to the button.

losbert said...

No worries, thanks for the advice, I didn't read your comment as being sarcastic.

Its something I've been aware of for a while and although I have been trying to increase my hands played through playing, I obviously need to go further.

Thanks for providing your positional figures.

Marc said...

Rasputin touches on a good point. I would say that if you're numbers are in good shape from BTN and CO, you can be less concerned with the other numbers, as you're profiting so much from there. I'm guessing you'll feel they are too low from those positions, though. One interesting exercise for you may be to write out your opening range from CO and BTN assuming no one's in the pot yet (possibly posting on your blog). Compare that with the preflop chart that Brystmar uses in his low limit instruction series, and note where the differences are. If they match up, then maybe start looking to other positions, as well as when someone is already in the pot. I'm not advocating playing by a chart, but it might start you thinking about some situations where you are currently folding that present a possibility to play, and when no one is in the pot already, it gets more cut and dry whether to enter or not (discounting the effect of your reads of the players in the blinds, but you could just assume they are unknown).

RakebackFAQ said...

I think having a set range of hands per position is ok but your not taking into account the players your playing against, if there tight play loose, if there loose play tight, if they have a habbit of limping then playing big pots any 2 reasonable cards are good beacuse if you flop a big hand they will pay you off with TPWK.

Look at brystmars new vid the LAG 1 thats the way people are playing at your limit only without the aggrasion. And in it you see him reconise spots that are just begging to bet at. Its 1 the best vids there has been for a while. Its basically being reckless but in a controlled way and i think its the most profitable way to play at the moment.