Monday, 9 July 2007

Poker Stars Sunday $100K

Somehow managed to finish 123rd out of 15,000 picking up $150 in the process.

Could possibly have finished higher but am really pleased with that.


grinder said...

thats really long did that take and what time did you start....that new $10 tourney isnt it

grinder said...

thats really long did that take and what time did you start....that new $10 tourney isnt it

losbert said...

Thanks mate started about 8.30pm Uk time and I crashed out at about 12.45am. Probably no bad thing I went when I did had to be up at 06.30am for work. five hours sleep does me no good whatsoever.

It was the new $10 tourney yes. Get in quick if you want toplay this week.

Marc said...

Nice, congrats!

RakebackFAQ said...

Good to hear that your cashing in them tourneys, they can make you feel great after an uneventful week. Good for you!

Graham said...

Well done. God, they have a 100K $10 tourney now? I really dislike the PS software so I recently got all my money off there. This kinda makes me want to put some back on there, though.