Saturday, 7 July 2007

Steady Accumulation

Had another steady session last night where I ended up in profit mainly through Accumulation rather than any key hands.

I'm trying to be more Aggressive post flop and also increase my starting hand range at the moment in order to get my VPIP slightly higher. I'll post how I feel that's going in a few days when I've got a bigger sample of hands.

Any way here's some hands I feel are of interest and any comments or advice would be gratefully

This was my biggest losing hand of the night, where I got into a bit of trouble with QQ, feel that I probably should have shut down on the flop with the Ace showing, but as he checked I decided to make a bet to try and take it down there and then. Maybe I should have bet a bit higher I don't know but he was playing at 67/0 and Ax is obviously in his range. I pretty much gave up on the hand when he called my flop bet, but the bet he put in on the river was so small with odds of just under 10-1 I had to call probably another error.

I think I got sucked in a bit here with the nut flush draw and overcards against someone who was playing at 63.86/2.97 and again should possibly have folded to the reraise on the flop.

This last hand was my biggest winning hand of the night where I flopped bottom set. The other player in the hand was wild and to a tighter player I may have folded to the All In Bet on the turn with the possible flush draw but against him I felt as though I was way ahead.

1 comment:

Graham said...

Hand 1) You can't just give up and not c-bet the flop because there's an A on there, it's way too weak. Checking the turn is fine. I'd probably pay off such a tiny bet on the river, depending on reads, but people at these stakes will show up with all kinds of random garbage here.

2) You can't fold this flop to a min-raise, ever. Sometimes I'd shove it, depending on how aggressive the villian is overall. On pretty much every street you're getting the right odds to chase, and probably pay off the river too.

3) Standard, but I'd probably 3-bet bigger on the flop.